Simon Stubbs is a FastWorks Head Coach & Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt within GE Healthcare Life Sciences located in Cardiff, UK.
Simon has a BSc in Genetics, a Post Graduate Diploma in Biomedical methods and PhD in Molecular Microbiology. He has authored 25 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals, over 20 patent filings & 10 granted patents.
During 20 years at GE, Simon has developed products within the fields of molecular biology, microbiology, fluorescent proteins, forensic and cell biology research.
Simon has combined his experience of FastWorks & Six Sigma; coaching teams to deliver rapid, problem-driven innovation for our customers.
We in GE embed entrepreneurial best practices into our R&D and product management discipline, a test & learn mind-set to transform the way we work. We will present how we apply Lean & Agile practices to: