Jakob is an Engineer and Materials Scientist by training with an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and a PhD in Polymer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He has written and published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers on medical devices, packaging materials and polymers and is a regular contributor to technical and scientific conferences.
Jakob started his professional career as a Research Scientist in packaging R&D with Nestlé at the Nestlé Research Centre in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He then worked in R&D Management with GE Healthcare Biosciences in Uppsala, Sweden, before joining Ypsomed in Burgdorf in 2006.
With Ypsomed he has held different positions within Marketing and Sales as well as in R&D Project Management. Currently he has the role of Account Director in M&S Delivery Systems, overseeing a team of Product Managers with focus on managing customer relationships in device development projects as well as for marketed device products.
This presentation will start with a market overview and then cover current trends in the self-injection area including as the move towards platform-based developments and the drive for digitalization. Different options for Life Cycle Management of a device combination product will be discussed, such as the addition of further mechanical device features, updates to the industrial design and modular addition of smart / connected functionalities. The talk will end with a case study presenting usability work conducted using eye tracking on a reusable connected add-on for an autoinjector.
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