Florin Paun, Agilising Innovation - Qepler Summits And Conferences

Florin Paun

Agilising Innovation
Paris, France
Agilising Innovation

Innovation Director, Hands-on Expert, Entrepreneurship Coach and Theoretician of the evolutions of the innovation models and tools for practice, Dr. Florin Paun encourages the comprehension of the human factors and behaviors during the collaborative processes as innovation, building thus bridges between the world of practitioners and the world of scientists and economists. His scientific work gained worldwide recognition and put in light the emergence of a new innovation French model but also completed the theories of two Nobel Prize Winners (Stiglitz, J., Sen. A) after having applied and adapted them to the highly collaborative processes like innovation. His strategies and tools aim to support the creation of the shared value between research laboratories, SMEs, multinationals, clusters and regions.

Dr. MSc. Florin Paun, recently Founder of Agilising Innovation, former Innovation Director at AKKA Group, Deputy Innovation Director at ONERA and Strategy and Development Director at the Competitive Pole SAFE – PACA region in France, started its career in the aerospace research being specialized in structures and multifunctional materials (15 scientific articles, 4 international patents). Entrepreneur and Business Angel (Progonline.com) Florin is Founder of the Start-up Xvaluator.com and CELIDEA Consultancy firm.

Educated at the Aerospace Faculty in Bucharest from where he got his Master degree in aerospace, in Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau -ParisTech, Dr. Florin Paun made a PhD. in Aerospace Engineering in Toulouse (ENSICA- ISAE) and completed his education with an Executive Program in Management and Leadership at MIT Sloan School of Management.

As French-Romanian innovation leader, Dr. Florin Paun is one of the 5 French members and one of the 2 Romanian members in the Pilot Jury of the European Council of Innovation. Expert-Inventor of several tools and methods for collaborative innovation such as "Demand Readiness Level" ("DRL" (market pull tool) completing the "TR" (NASA tech push tool), "Contract for co-Development with shared risks and benefits", "asymmetries identification and compensation in the highly collaborative process", "mangrove of value distribution", "agile demo-tech", Dr. Paun is teaching its own innovation methods in international Schools for MBA and Master Degrees students at ISAE, Ecole de l'Air, ENAC, ESEO, Toulouse Business School and is senior advisor in innovation collaborative process, entrepreneurship and impact of human factors for governments, multinationals, networks of practitioners, Innovation School of ANRT in Paris.

Dr. Florin Paun is author of several scientific articles and books on open innovation strategies including the contributions of more than 50 international business and political leaders in the last 10 years: "J’innove donc je suis" (I innovate so I exist!) , "Tous entre-preneurs" (All between-parties), "Innover ou périr" (Innovate or disappear). Dr. Florin Paun is member of prestigious international Innovation Networks for Research and Innovation (RRI, Technology Transfer Society, X-Open Innovation, ONERA Alumni, MIT Alumni, Global Brain Institute…)

Related Sessions:

R&D Transformation
Summit 2018

Review and apply the latest solutions and technologies for greater R&D process efficiency and speed to market.
  • 27 Sep 2018
  • Berlin, DE
  • Technology
Day 2: Friday, 28 September 2018
CASE STUDY: New Agile approach within Open Innovation practices; Transformational Impact on R&D Centers.
  • Value chain transformation and impact.
  • Out of the TRL by Agile Demo-Tech strategy.
  • Scout and aggregate the Proofs of Concepts (PoC).
  • What type of human profiles for what job?
  • R&D Centers to become PoC production centers?

Learning outcomes: attendees can expect to better avoid pitfalls and how to invest in personal relationships (and with whom) to make collaboration work in an "open innovation" setting.

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