Enrico Bettetini, Oriento SA - Qepler Summits And Conferences

Enrico Bettetini

Senior Advisor Associate
Oriento SA
Novara, Italy
At Oriento we spread technological and organizational innovation because we believe that is now time to provide new answers to old questions.

Enrico has held positions in CMOs and generics API Companies for 25 years. During the last decade as EU & South America TEVA expert for the engineering of HPAPI bulk properties, he leaded the research of innovative technologies for the formulation of respiratory. He developed micronized steroids or LABA/LAMA molecules mainly for dry powder inhalers (DPI) and controlled dosage drugs with TEVA and Third Parties. He has been Manager for technology transfer and GMP industrialization focused on advanced analytical techniques, protocols, PAT, DoE and route cause methodologies with worldwide sites and CMOs.

Before joining Teva Enrico, master degree in organic chemistry (Università di Milano), was involved in several HPAPI chemical plants start up. He was Head for the design of equipment and software, quality and safety risk assessments and HAZOPs.

Sterility of HPAPIs without the use of filtration or irradiation has been the last challenge.

Fifteen years ago he cofounded a contract GLP laboratory for Pharma, Cosmetic & Food

Related Sessions:

Highly Potent APIs
Summit 2019

Assess and reduce manufacturing and handling challenges for highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients.
  • 20 Feb 2019
  • Berlin, DE
  • Pharma
Day 2: Thursday, 21 February 2019
CASE STUDY: OUTSOURCING 4.0: innovative Pharma creates the CMO net.
  • New frontiers: sterile bio-respiratory and modified-release drugs
  • Research & developing of CMOs
  • Relationships & Quality without compromise
  • Assessing results at production scale
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