Bo Olsson, PhD, Emmace Consulting AB - Qepler Summits And Conferences

Bo Olsson, PhD

Senior Inhalation Consultant
Emmace Consulting AB
Skane, Sweden
Emmace Consulting AB – Inhaler Performance Testing

Dr. Olsson has more than 30 years of experience of inhaled formulations having spent about equal time on CMC and clinical pharmacology at his former employer, AstraZeneca.

In 2015 he took a position as senior inhalation consultant at Emmace Consulting AB. His specialty is IVIVC with particular emphasis on predicting in vivo outcomes, such as lung disposition, from in vitro data, and is a well-known author and speaker on this topic.

For many years he was part of the aerosol committees of USP and EP and member of industry groups such as IPAC-RS and EPAG.

He was part of the teams developing the multi-stage liquid impinger, the next generation impactor and the OPC mouth-throat models.

He is author and owner of the Mimetikos Preludium software.

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Inhaled Drug Delivery
Summit 2019

Assess and harness novel approaches to the development of inhaled drug products for enhanced patient care.
  • 23 May 2019
  • Berlin, DE
  • Pharma
Day 2: Friday, 24 May 2019
CASE STUDY: New lung disposition software: Derisking inhaled product changes using predictive models.
  • Prediction of bioavalability/bioequivalence
    • Device/formulation changes during development
    • Generic development
  • New software for prediction of lung deposition and PK: Mimetikos Preludium
  • Key performance attributes using clinically relevant test methods
  • Examples
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