Alexander Amberg performed his doctoral studies at the department of toxicology and pharmacology at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany) and obtained his PhD in biochemical toxicology in 2000. In 2001, he joined the early and exploratory safety group of Sanofi, and in this position has been responsible for in silico/computational toxicology analysis globally at Sanofi. Since 2007, he has been registered as a European registered toxicologist (ERT) after getting his examination of Fachtoxikologe DGPT from the German Society of Toxicology.
His major research interests are development of new in silico prediction models for different toxicity endpoints and data management of in-house data in combination with publicly available toxicity data, to support drug development in research and development. For this he is also a member of different internal expert advisory groups as well as external initiatives, like the IMI eTOX consortium (for toxicity data sharing and development of new expert systems for in silico toxicity prediction), the IMI SafeSciMET education program and others.
With respect to genotoxic impurities (GTIs), he was actively involved in the preparation of the white paper for the use of in silico systems in the scope of ICH M7 and other publications regarding GTIs. Internally, he is member of the task force to support the in-house implementation of ICH M7.